Data&Musée project collect datasets mainly about Centre des Monuments Nationaux (Center of National Monuments).
This page gives a general description of datasets with some links -when publicly availables- to access of each dataset and a link to a more precise description for some datasets.
All datasets aren’t publicly available.
Members of CMN and associated data
FCMN1: Excel file with a list of CMN members and URL of associated sites
FCMN2: datasets related to CMN registered on, 3/10/2018, CSV file
8 datasets, translated titles:
- Rates of cinematographic shots in national monuments
- Rates of photographic shots in national monuments
- Ranking of national monuments by category: Word file difficult to exploit automatically
- Attendance of national monuments (last update 2016)
- List of Heritage Publications
- Hosting activities of filming and filmography in national monuments
- List of GPS coordinates of national monuments
- Practical information of national monuments
GPS coordinates of the monuments
FCMN3: GPS coordinates of the monuments
File obtained from ODS file (OpenDocument) translated to CSV and JSON.
JSON file:
Monuments by categories
FCMN4: Monuments by categories, RDF/Turtle file
From the word file Classement des monuments nationaux par catégorie referenced on, we produce a TTL file. Each monument is represented with the following model:
dm:Arc_de_Triomphe dbpedia-owl:country dbpedia-fr:France ;
foaf:name “Arc de Triomphe”@fr ;
dm:categoryName “Monuments de catégorie A”@fr ;
dm:departmentName “Paris”@fr ;
dm:regionName “Paris/Ile-de-France”@fr .
Practical data (hours, …)
Derived from FCMN1 above, the base URL of each website associated with a museum or monument was used to retrieve practical information (rates, hours and opening days …). We build a URL
<base url>/generate_json
to get JSON file.
We get 91 files with practical data.
Directory with 91 files:
- four request fail (,,,
- practical data are inequaly completed from one site to the other
- there is no period of validity information
Google Analytics
Access is open to Google Analytics data for various CMN websites.
The exploitation of these data has not been completed on 3/3/2019. Several questions arise:
- what level of history do we have?
- what information is available by program (API)?
- which information do you think is useful for Data & Museum?
Ticketing data
Ticketing data began to be provided as Excel files.
These files have been translated into json to facilitate their integration into subsequent processes.
The graph identifier was built forthis data, accessible on the SPARQL access point
Read access to this access point is restricted, limited to project partners.
Period | 23/10/2013 to 13/9/2018 |
Transactions | 307247 |
Users who made multiple purchases on different dates | 14663 |
Users who have made multiple purchases | 191246 |
The data of the ‘monument database’ list transactions on the following model:
“Code-barres salé et hashé”: “c1e2f93d057ec250421859ec015da5200ea4306d5da577d730f650a77ecc1f17”,
“Code salle”: “127”,
“Salle”: “Salses (contrôle accès)”,
“ValiditeDroitDateDebut”: “2017-06-21 00:00:00”,
“ValiditeDroitDateFin”: “2018-06-21 00:00:00”,
“DateHeurePassage”: “2017-08-08 16:12:00”
The JSON files are in the folder:
(private link)
The value of the “Code-barres salé et hashé” field is referenced in the following file.
Each transaction is on the following model:
- data about the visitor
‘Code contact salé et hashé’: ‘8536b1d1ddca09ab1379caa34b0ec2ef20c7068badce989845a5d9633ba0aa5e’,
‘Courriel bas de casse salé et hashé’: ‘c3d134f0ed020e43154c4b61501b1586ed75a9ebc31e23eab0547d5a8ef32806’,
‘Civilite’: ‘MME’,
‘Code postal’: ‘68500’,
‘Ville (en capitale)’: ‘ORSCHWIHR’,
‘Code pays’: ‘FR’,
‘Pays’: ‘FRANCE’,
‘Acceptation être contacté(e)’: ‘O’,
‘Année de naissance’: ‘1963’,
- data about the monument:‘Identifiant national du monument’: ‘127504’, ‘Nom du monument’: ‘CONCIERGERIE’,
- data about the transaction
‘Code transaction salé et hashé’: ‘4b3d381eeb79c55a27c51ca1d88ea01047500bb1dbc89464dee5a4a4444b49ab’,
‘Code vente salé et hashé’: ‘e95ac6e1afe75d83ed86acf97841fda3e8709b4f9a197f0aa4ed96de499dd104’,
‘Date et heure de vente’: ‘2013-10-23 14:06:00’,
‘Code-barres salé et hashé’: ‘77533cadf7d8bb44e6071f8a9fd0c9ad7e3e2e3902fb8fda59a03bba2670196f’,
‘Code produit’: ‘@01122’,
‘Libelle court produit’: ‘WEB IND Conciergerie PT’,
‘Prix unitaire’: 9.5
The first processing on a limited dataset show that
- 29 people made contributions in Paris Museums’ gold books and also made e-ticket purchases at the CMN (84 transactions, 25 French, 2 Spanish, 2 Brazilian)
- 14663 people made purchases on the CMN on several different dates
- 191246 people made several purchases on the CMN (out of a total of 307247 transactions)
Linked Open Data
See Données du LOD
RSS feed
RSS feeds have been set up. They give access to news about the associated places: exhibitions, events, activities …
The urls of these feeds are not currently publicly available.
· Arc de Triomphe
· Conciergerie
· Sainte-Chapelle
· Panthéon
· Château de Vincennes
· Chapelle expiatoire
· Hotel de la Marine
· Palais Royal
· Hotel de Sully
· Bastille
· Tour de Notre-Dame
· Maison des Jardies
· Domaine de St-Cloud
Données de Livres d’Or
Electronic Guestbook data is available from 2018 (by project partners). The 2019 data have not yet been observed.
For 2018, we have the following elements:
Number of contributions | 10754 (total) | 9250 (fr) | 1007 (en) | 395 (es) |
Multiple contributions | 78 |
Sample presentation: contributions per week